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Shocking Facts About Fleas

Although they’re very small, fleas are a bigger deal than you might think...

A recent study conducted by MSD revealed some rather shocking statistics about fleas and the negative impact they can have on our pets.

The findings

The study revealed that:

  • 1 in 4 cats and 1 in 7 dogs sampled were found to be carrying fleas.
  • Working with vets across the UK, the study checked more than 1,470 cats and dogs for fleas and found that 323 pets were carrying them – that’s more than 20%!
  • 79% of Brits didn’t know that fleas can lead to diseases like Bartonellosis, which can be transmitted to people.
  • 11% of the fleas sampled were carriers of Bartonella, an infectious bacterium that can cause disease.
  • 57% of the UK population don’t understand the lifecycle of a flea, or the meaning of repeated flea infestations in the home.

The study was supported by a previous survey in which 82% of British pet owners said they struggled to keep their pets’ fleas under control.

What to do?

As a responsible pet owner, you should take both the threat of fleas and your pet’s treatment seriously. 1 in 4 cats and 1 in 7 dogs… if they’re unprotected, what’s to say it’s not your pet, or that your pet couldn’t pick up fleas tomorrow?

Keeping your pet protected

Fleas don’t need to be a problem. With regular treatment administered all year round, your pet will stay itch-free and safe from Bartonellosis and other infections.

Regardless of the weather, the time of year or how often your pet spends outside, it’s important for your pet to stay up to date with their flea treatment. Did you know that a female flea can lay up to 50 eggs in one day? It only takes one flea to lead to an infestation, so don’t take the risk!

For more information about fleas, and how to keep your pet protected, contact us today!