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Emergency 01902 425262
Out of hours 01902 425262
Wolverhampton Consulting Centre 01902 425262
Albrighton 01902 374578
Bushbury 01902 397227
Halesowen 0121 5507519
Perton 01902 394850
Sedgley 01902 667950
St George's Veterinary Hospital 01902 425262

Our Complaints Procedure

A guide to making a complaint

We want you to be happy with the service and care that we provide at St George’s Vets. However, we understand that occasionally things may happen that you feel are unsatisfactory...

Please tell us when you aren’t happy as most problems can be sorted out quickly and easily. The best way to do this is to discuss it with the person who is looking after your pet at the time of the problem.

If this hasn’t resolved the problem and you would like to complain formally, then let us know as soon as you can by:

It is better to contact us as quickly as possible, so please try to write to us within 2 weeks. This gives us the best opportunity to investigate and resolve the issue.

Please include the following information to help us investigate the problem:

  • What happened? Tell us about the nature of the problem and the events that took place
  • Where did it happen and when (date and time)?
  • Who was involved, which staff?
  • It is also very helpful if you can indicate what you are hoping for as an outcome
  • Let us know how you would prefer to be contacted e.g. letter, phone call, email, etc

What we will do:

  • We will acknowledge your complaint within 3 days, telling you who is dealing with your complaint and when you can expect to receive a reply
  • In most cases, we hope to give you a full reply within 2 weeks but if it is going to take longer, we will get in touch to give you a progress update and new timescale

How we investigate your complaint:

  • We will find out what happened and what went wrong
  • We will apologise, where appropriate
  • We will put solutions in place to resolve the issue and make sure it does not happen again

If you feel this doesn't resolve your complaint:

If you have a problem, we welcome the opportunity to try and resolve this for you. However, this does not affect your right to approach the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons if you are dissatisfied with the outcome.